Sport Science Courses

1st Year 1st Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
FLEn 1011 Communicative English Language Skills I 3
Phys 1011 General Physics 3
Anth1012 Social Anthropology 2
Phil 1011 Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking 3
SPSC 1011 Physical Fitness 2
GeES 1011 Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn 3
MATH--1011 Mathematics for Natural Sciences 3
Psyc 1011 General Psychology 3
Total 22
2nd Year 1st Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
SpSc- 2213 History &Concepts of PhysicalEducation Sports 3
SpSc-2223 Intr. to Sport Psychology 3
SpSc-2413 Athletics One (I) 3
SpSc-2433 Basic Gymnastics 3
BioMed-2713 Human Anatomy 3
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 2
ECON 1011 Economics 3
Total 20
2nd Year 2nd Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
SpSc- 2234 Introduction to Sport sociology 3
SpSc-2444 Apparatus Gymnastics 3 Basic Gymnastics(SpSc-2433)
SpSc-2314 Volleyball 4
SpSc-2424 Athletics II 3 Athletics One (I)(SpSc-2413)
Stat-2744 Introduction to statistics 3
GITi1012 Global trends 2
BioMed-2724 Human Physiology 3 Human Anatomy(BioMed-2713)
Total 21
2nd Year 1st Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
SpSc- 2213 History &Concepts of PhysicalEducation Sports 3
SpSc-2223 Intr. to Sport Psychology 3
SpSc-2413 Athletics One (I) 3
SpSc-2433 Basic Gymnastics 3
BioMed-2713 Human Anatomy 3
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 2
ECON 1011 Economics 3
Total 20
3rd Year 1st Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
Bio-Med-3735 Biochemistry 3
SpSc-3255 Sport Journalism 3
SpSc-3545 Exercise Physiology 3 Human Physiology(BioMed-2724)
SpSc-3475 Racket Sports 4
SpSc-3245 Measurement & Evaluation in Sports 3
SpSc-3325 Football 4
GeES 1011 Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn 3
Hist 1012 History of Ethiopia and the Horn 3
Total 26
3rd Year 2nd Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
SpSc-3516 Health& Fitness 3
SpSc-3336 BasketBall 4
SpSc-3286 Research Methods in Sport Science 3
SpSc-3526 Sport Medicine 3
SpSc-3356 Ethiopia Cultural Games and Sports 3
SpSc-3556 Sport Nutrition 3
Total 19
4th Year 1st Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
SpSc-4617 Introduction to Structure of Coaching 3
SpSc-4567 Fundamental of Massage &Therapeutic Exercise 3
SpSc-4457 Self Defense & Sport Ethics 2
SpSc4537 Kinesiology 3
SpSc-4347 Handball 4
MGMt--1012 Entrepreneurships and business development 3
Hist 1012 History of Ethiopia and the Horn 3
Total 21
4th Year 2nd Semester
Course Code Course title Credit Hour Prerequisite/s
SpSc-4248 Introduction to Adapted physical activity Sports 3
SpSc-4468 Swimming & Recreational Activities 3
SpSc-4268 Introduction to Sport Management 3
SpSc4628 Senior Essay 3
SpSc-4728 Coaching in Elective of Athletics 4
SpSc-4628 Coaching in elective of Football 4
SpSc.4628 Coaching in elective of Volleyball 4
SpSc.-4628 Coaching in elective of Basketball 4
SpSc 4628 Coaching in elective of Handtball 4
Hist 1012 History of Ethiopia and the Horn 3
Total 35